Soft wind, tugging at the corners of my scarf. Silence, tugging at the corners of my soul. I liked looking at the world through the purple fabric of my scarf.
I was busy, counting stories in the clouds. The adults prayed, all around me, they sat, heads bowed.
Silence, doesn't bother me. I can tell the best stories, inside my head. I don't need to tell them out loud. They are my secret.
I look at the people, bowed. So many souls. Or bodies, my heart tells me they are empty at the moment. Souls pushed out, on a breath of wind and a whisper of prayer.
I panic. I don't mind Silence. But. I don't like to be alone.
Gentle tug turns menacing. Wind ripping purple fabric from my hands. Silence, overwhelms me. I need to convince myself that there is noise. That there is life, because I feel so alone.
And just when these thoughts, pass, through my panic. They rise. And there is life once more.