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Oct 2016
I am lying there in the shade
if you are watching me dont be sad it means my soul is finally dead
waiting to be heaped with tonnes of sand
driven underground it cries to speak with the world
from deep within the earth it wishes to share a word
i will be exiled in this gloomy cavern
where sinners wallows in the lagoon of misery
hell reflects no star
this will be my paradise
from where i shall rise
a perfect womb for a fragile heretic
am in dante's inferno
soon the world will know what i left behind
and yet even here i sense the footfall of my demons
who pursues my soul to river styx
willing to stop to nothing if i thwart my voyage
forgive them for they not know what they do
a time is coming when ignorance will nolonger be a forgivable offence
a moment when angels and demons will crash over wisdom to absolve
with purity conscience my soul will be bequeathed a gift of hope in abyss
of salvation of tomorrow
yet those who hunt me will not perish
for there is justice in hades
terrified i have glimpsed death
i am not a fallen angel
But i am your doom
am the beginning of your end
kelvin mungai
Written by
kelvin mungai  nairobi,kenya
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