I'm sorry that my spectacular patience sometimes goes wandering through the grape vines Leaving me here frustrated at the fact that you can't tie your shoes without getting your pants ***** And sand in your underwear 150 miles away from the nearest beach And I know on a few occasions the only way to get my patience back from the grapes Is to drink a bottle of wine and take someone else's But I'm working hard for you
On the days I forget clean socks I know it's hard to believe that I'm the best choice But I promise the judge had a good reason I know you've been doing this alive thing for like three and a half years now So you've had time to adjust But I've been doing this father thing for like six months now But you have to know I'm working hard for you
When you look at an S and call it an R Can't figure to unbuckle your car seat and wont eat a green bean to get a cookie I wish the guy who wrote "What to expect when you're expecting" Had written "What to do when you weren't expecting" Or at the very least "How not to **** it up" Your aunt says if you do the footwork the results will come I am walking the path I will get there
You were born at 7am I wasn't told until 11pm I was late But I held you You squeezed my finger I smiled You're turning four soon I'm late But I love you Hold my hand son I will smile We will walk this path We will get there
A collection of poems by me is available on Amazon Where She Left Me - Michael DeVoe http://goo.gl/5x3Tae