I wake up from dreams With goose bumps where your hands used to go My dreams remind me what you looked like My body reminds me what you felt like My empty bed reminds me what you feel like Your phone number reminds me you're not just a phone call away anymore And my friends try their damnedest to remind me 'This too shall pass' This too shall pass But my heart is just starting to break The dog days are not done The pain is just beginning And my heart will have to break up all the way Before I can start to fix it again I don't have much super glue This will be quite the patchwork job I get goose bumps on my finger tips I get goose bumps on my chest I get goose bumps on my thighs I get goose bumps on my arms And all I can hope is that every now and then you wake up with goose bumps too This too shall pass I don't want this to pass I just want to be in the past I'm living in, in my dreams Where you still sing to me the lullabies I sing to my son to help me sleep And you wake me with gentle kisses to the forhead And rubbing my hands with your fingers My bed used to be such a perfect fit for me and you lying in this huddled cold mess of sheets I can hardly find it in myself to take up more space then my pillows You always took up more space then I did And since you replaced yourself with the pillows Nostalgia won't let me stretch my legs I want to stretch my legs I want to run away from this But I can't run from pain Can't run from goose bumps I can't run from dreams I will eventually have to close my eyes And when I do I will see yours open Looking into mine Saying I love you Like you mean it Like you always did But didn't always mean it Or at least you don't still mean it I'm too young to be burdened forever by something I didn't choose Like not having you in my life You owe me too much still Like a song on the piano Like salsa lessons Like a night out Lilke teaching me how to fish and ride 4 wheelers Like midnight phone calls Like more good mornings And less goodbyes Like tomorrow Like forever
A collection of poems by me is available on Amazon Where She Left Me - Michael DeVoe http://goo.gl/5x3Tae