Next me is a wall or rather a semi wall for alluding to an imaginary pathway that guides or rather divides people who want to study in the casual study room versus the quiet area.
There is a circular hole in this black wall next to me and past the black paint, I can see the particle board that makes up this wall. Then past this particle board there is space- nothing, a power supply to the outlets built in that I am using now , a camera maybe, cables to the tv on the other side of this semi-wall.
Next to that are my 2 wall chargers that charging my computer and my phone. And of course my phone, computer but also, Casio watch and two band-aids- barely visible on the white table background.
Before me is my laptop not you, but my laptop.
next me is my water bottle metal a used paper towel moist hand cream closed,
three books
my headphones
next to me is an empty seat and you are not in it.
but you are not even so specific as these objects,
you are vague and elusive
you are always leaving whoever I think you might be
once maybe right here even opposite where I sit now we sat together and tried to study and couldn't I gripped your thigh tightly and desire for you and an assertion of your presence and my true love for you flowed through me so legibly
and now the spirit of love has left that person and passed through so many others who are also not here now