I took your sticky hand Both of us uncomfortable in long checkered jumpsuits and button down polos.
That Thanksgiving we made pilgrim hats and pasta string necklaces We walked to the park through the little white gate that seemed so tall we could barely reach but now it squeaks and the bells broke. The path through the sour grass flowers is overgrown with cancerous weeds the trees are too small to climb, and the big one with roots is populated by empty teenagers making out and carving their names in our place. This is where the bodies are buried. Where we said goodbye. Where we played, our little world of imagination filled lazy times streamed with sudzy bubbles: Popped.
I’m sorry I failed you Jack. That she failed you. For giving up too soon. I know you wish she held on longer, that she fought for you and I. You moved away because she left you And I left you and so you left me, alone. You lost so much, but you got out, peeled your eyes from the flickering screen. Flashbacks of our shared childhood ripped away.