America is an idea that "all men are created equal," with working definitions of "human", "created", or "equal." America is freedom for our grandchildren in a manner we will never understand.
It is the founding fathers who died for liberty. It is the darker brothers who fought for justice from kitchens and pulpits. It is the poor, the huddled masses, And their children who have forgotten this.
It is green cards that become blue passports. It is unlearning the language of our grandparents. It is knowing how to pronounce Arkansas and Illinois It is enjoying barbecues on somber national holidays.
It is unbridled enthusiasm. It is unbridled arrogance. It is rugged individualism; It is passionate paternalism.
It is hellfire that scorches deserts. It is a gust that has fanned flames. It is a cool rain that puts out fires.
From sea to shining sea-- It is Manifest Destiny from Louis and Clark to Wounded Knee. It is Topaz, and McCarthy, and hundreds of things we would rather forget. It is D-day, and Neil Armstrong, and thousands of things we forget to celebrate.
America is a dream that rings from the red hills of Georgia to the curvaceous slopes of California to New York Island.
It is patriotism; it is progress. It is the blind worship of our past.
It is red. It is blue. It is red, white, and blue. It is what half of us say it isn't. I say it evolves constantly; others say it was created in His image.
It is everything I hold dear; it is everything that infuriates me. It is the warmth that makes my eyes tear when I hear the Star Spangled Banner at football games, on July 4th, or on September 11th.
It is hope. It is the promise of a better tomorrow. It is what ever I am. I, too, am America.
*I have posted this to another website under the pen name Anamika Nair. I wasn't sure if this was okay. If it isn't, I can submit something else.