i’ve realized that i want nothing more than what I have or what i can obtain but so far as i can tell that isn’t a whole lot i drink the same beer smoke the same cigarettes and wake up alone with the same hangover people say you are too young to be sad but isn’t that what life is all about our present condition the tragedy that it is to see it as a bad thing would be more of a nightmare than it would be denying it the romanticism oh the ever hopeless romanticism that is my life gets the best of me i try to drink it off which works but only for a short while what’s sad is i know this isn’t for me or at least what i want for me there must be some place i can run away to there must be someone who is as sad as i am someone who goes to bed wishing for that last piece to complete the chaotic **** mess of a puzzle that is their life perhaps that piece does exist or perhaps that piece is just the beer in front of me