Imagine; behold a glorious luminescence; a radiance without equal; an opulence of which still Eros could have only dreamt.
Coalesce; be encased in a provocative warmth of indefinable bearing and scope; beseeching the sacred while disavowing the profane.
Awaken; greet the day through a dichotomous portal with burden pulling one way and aspiration drawing another.
Strive; endeavor to find consequence in a world whose noisy hands (some set in "smiley" faces) steer us toward the precipice while we grasp forever but for an instant.
In revisiting this poem that was written many years before I became interested in Judaism, I find it interesting to note that I used the word "radiance" in the first stanza. Radiance is the English translation of the Hebrew word Zohar. The Zohar is the foundational work in the literature of Jewish mystical thought known as Kabbalah.