The Eiffel Tower, Mona Lisa, American Gothic, Old Cathedrals. Were you given the opportunity, you you visit these? The Giant Bean in Chicago, Central Park, empty Insane Asylums renovated? Most people would leap for the chance to see these in person. They are kept well protected if not renovated. What about a dying city, where no one sees it's treasures? An unused park, beautiful but becoming emptier as the days go by with a vast space in the middle of a bustling city. What about houses that are decorated, and painted in every hue? Saving a neighborhood corrupted and invaded. Here a house was fated to go up in flames, rather than adored for the artist's creation. Broken buildings, missing trains, amphitheaters vast but abandoned other than by the homeless. Beautiful sights all of these - an obvious advantage for any city. But no, tis not so. Instead they go unnoticed and uncared for in a city who cares only about 'ruin ****'. The destruction of once great artworks.