I remember it well It's one of those things you simply can not forget From that moment I stood there in the bathroom Staring down at that little pink plus sign It felt like my whole world came crashing down on me Fear and joy engulfed me and the unknown startled me
Who will you be? this little person that I am creating? Will you look like me? So many question so many thought of doubt Can I do this? Can I be your mom? So many
As you grew inside of me It became more and more real As if the severe morning sickness wasn't real enough Can I do this?
As my body changed and I felt you move inside of me Nothing else mattered The fear of the unknown was no longer a factor I can do this
From that moment I laid there Cover in cold gel Seeing your little limbs move on the screen The first time I saw you I loved you then So deeply
When you came out of me And into my arms I loved you even more I didn't even know that was possible I love you my Lu