Easter Sunday Grumore sits Down in the chapel of the old Church light pouring in from High windows and he watches A young woman dressed all in White with long black hair by The statue of the ****** kneeling In prayer and he imagines what’d Be like to wake each day in his Large bed to see her there sleeping Naked and him able to have her There and Monica deep in her Prayer to the ****** is unaware Of Grumore there sitting behind His dark brown eyes drinking her In lapping her up to his ***** mind And *** dreams and kneeling there Her knees aching her prayers pouring Remembers boys in her school days Chattering her up thinking her cheap Putting their hands on her body God’s Small chapel while Grumore’s eyes Sitting behind sweep over her his Tongue hanging out of his mouth Like a thin snake and he dreaming He was licking her naked flesh then Monica opens her eyes and sees the Blue clothed ****** there gazing at Her a gentle smile the bright blue Eyes but Grumore sees the ******’s Stare the judgment gaze no smiling Lips upon him there in the chapel Easter Sunday he looks away.