See what I see: the trees clinging to these orbs of light like spiderweb shadows cast by the moon fingers once clasped, bent now to reflect an eternal grasp the instant illusion of age, of near-death
the confrontation of another kind of cold, the distant past and future the distance between here and the horizon
Mental snapshot taken with shivers, the tree follows me in whispers as my shadow shortens, zipping my skin up to hide my heartbeat, lock it away tightly, walk into my footsteps and the nighttime swallows the reasoned stillness . . My recent stillness, I notice, reflects back at me in the puddles left behind the storm and the remnants of light flicker
like stars
hearts beat the rhythm of my feet
fading into the black and soft and safety in the age-old breath of trees
Would love feedback on this one, particularly the ending. Thanks!