Unperturbed by the downward flow That covers all life with a mask of snow As snowflakes flutter blown from the sky White drifts build up forming where they lie An owl hoots and swoops upon it's prey The rabbit squeaks and scoots away It skittles into the warm burrow hole All safe and sound such a happy soul And up above the snow does fall But bunny is curled in a fluffy ball The screeching owl soars up so high Too wise to waste another try On a branch it perches waiting in a tree A twisting head what can it see A rusty fox out for a walk Too big a meal the owl won't stalk Now Mr fox sniffs all around Very soon begins to dig the ground White snow and earth it scoops behind A bunny meal is on his mind Twit twoo a ghostly sound Keep digging Mr fox below the ground Suddenly the rabbit flees And Mr tawny drops from the trees A rabbit meal a second chance The sneaky fox it fails to glance They swoop and pounce all three collide That's how the owl the fox and the rabbit died