Well the Josh Abbot Band sings Matagorda Bay but I’m pretty sure it’s all the wrong way should be I’ve been walking it all day casting a shrimp or mullet along the way whether the river, the surf or the bay or even the intercoastal waterway
You can never go wrong fishing here from the bank, the beach, or even the pier maybe spring, or maybe fall you will always have a ball with your dad, in laws or college friends it always pays in dividends
Of reds, whiting, croaker and trout usually followed by a cookout sometimes black drum or maybe a ray either way, make them pay all day casting a squid or maybe a mullet the fish always bite, take it and tug it
After dark on a green light try as you might you just can’t find a lure they won’t bite when the tide changes and shrimp are running two at a time is for what you are gunning tired, and sore, but you are tough
All night long until enough is enough then to bed for some shut eyed dreams then up again, as the morning sun gleams do it again, as it never lasts
Creating memories of the past to share with friends and also the kids of Matagorda Bay