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Sep 2016
I don't know how I feel about anyone anymore.
About him, him, him.
Theres three of them and all symbolize the different cruelties of this world.
The first was nothing but a sad, heartbreaking disappointment. He is the most recent of them all.
The one who told me for the most absurd time that I was amazing but not good enough for it to work. That he did not love me enough to know my amazingness.
Well for you I am sorry you will never find someone better, sorry that you will regret not holding my hand through my undeniable success.
You broke my heart and you knew it all along.
The second of the them is in love with her, yet will never tell of this secret.
She loves him too but not in the way he wishes which is just another cruelty of this world.
Everyone jumping after something they will only fall from when uncaught.
She loves him, he does not love her, who is loved by someone else.
The third is the most complicated of them all.
The one that got away.
The one who still has never left the back of her mind and she has never vanished the back of his intellect either.
These two had all the chances in the world with time and space as their only enemy.
The ones who still have a chance when time moves on from them.
Their love story was unlike any other.
There was passion, true passion and love.
We all ache to find this love and are lucky to experience it even once.
We can lie and say we are in love with another like the one who got away but the truth is this love has not been felt as strongly since the final breath.
These are the cruelties of the world.
The girl who loves too much because she's been broken too many times and is always disappointed in the end.
The guy who loves that girl undeniably, but will never have the chance he wishes with her.
And lastly the love that may live on one day, but could just as well be the only real love affair that two people could experience.
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