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Feb 2012
I am a rock of the river,
One that has become smooth and solid,
From the cold, chill water caressing my body,
From the gentle wind,
Breathing warmth against my cold skin.

I am a leaf,
Falling through the summer air,
Departing from my strong mother maple,
The falling stops and I feel, for the first time,
The Earth’s damp soil surrounding my green and red body.

I am the gentle rain,
I am the million quiet ripples covering the ocean’s surface,
Each one of me reaching out to touch fingers,
And explode into a wave of solitude.

I am the sunset’s orange and yellow beams,
Saying farewell to the sleepy life far below,
And covering the sky with my yin half,
Shut the eyes with my yang.
Written by
Lotus  24/F/Montana
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