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Feb 2012
Dead trees
gray skies
but somehow we still see beauty
The leaves on the ground
dead and brown
are just as crisp
as the cold winter air
where’s the love in that?
Smoke coils around me
hanging in the still air
like an angel
in the wrong form and shape
sent to the wrong person maybe
I am unsaveable
never to be unbreakable
emotions unseen
because I drown them all
in coffee and nicotine
A small child passes by
eyes like fire
despite the sky
which is black and lifeless
The stars and moon
they all forsake me
and will never shine brighter than day for me
as they do for her
You see, I am not unbreakable
my emotions still unseen
I drowned them a long time ago
but still I am happy
Shannon L Baker
Written by
Shannon L Baker  TX
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