Its all about the reaction Cause an effect cause for my effect a labyrinth a labyrinth that you tricked me into walking in Although, I have been walking for days I don't feel like I'm getting any closer to the end about to give up, keep saying I have a choice; I'm in denial, I love you, the interested for my kind I'm not honest enough, my honesty not enough Guess what I love you routine I miss you routine The intrusion in my thought is pulling me to the deep faster than quick Sand The onomatopoeia not enough Let me show you how loud MY words can be I promise I'll smile Show you all my ******* pearly whites Wear the biggest smile brighten up the suns day What do you think? Me you there when i look you in your eyes You look away What am I looking for? Something you won't tell we what coils inside of you What do you think about during isolation What do you truly think about Shh baby it's a secret Yet secrets come to light Identical darkness Choose Enlightenment Or Ignorance