You're peering through your teeth at me I can feel your hostility And it makes me want to wait and see Just what this has got to mean Because I know just how sharp your tongue can be But you're so busy glaring don't know if you can speak And I'll walk by a time or three Give plenty a-opportunity To make me wanna slink away and drink Until you go away or sink Under my inebriation And I'm loosing patience Oh it makes me wanna Just makes me wanna Catch a glance out of the corner of my eye Blurred and slurred, tonight we're not shy March right up, the stumbling guy Who says what's what and tells no lie Thou in the morning he'll puke and cry Not to recall a single line Of the enlightenment turned apology Awkwardly suggesting to the possibly offended A bridge carelessly burnt, now work to be mended But no matter the time spent or handy-work used It will always hold a tired look, abused If not one thing the another If not speaking clearly then a stutter And shaking with little tremmers Caused by lifes over anxious cues To speak up a little louder, perhaps with out the ***** But we all know that can't be So I sit in a corner In my hostility I stew Peering through my teeth at you