If ever there were a perfect time for lies It would be now. If only I could weave a tangled web Of lies so beautifully thread Together in their simplicity, To make a bouquet of flowered words Gently flowing down stream In a basket carrying all our misplaced hopes And our misplaced dreams. If ever there were a time for lies, It would be today, this hour. I'd tell the lies a parent tells a child To keep the tame, the meek, From escaping aimlessly into the wild, but still I doubt you'd hear My feeble attempt at words With those high tuned ears, That catch only the off beat phrases, My mumbled words, and jumbled speech. You hear the fool side of me And take no time to hear my lies, Those lies that could save you time And time again, if I could only Spin the web a little craftier, A little stronger and thicker in the threads. Maybe then you'd believe the lies I spread.