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Aug 2016
I lay amongst the wet dew-dipped grass
Thinking of you
Only of You.

Cushioned by a duvet of dirt
And a pillow of languished lily petals.
A soiled white dress hanging over my
Preadolescent-like body.
Cheeks, once soft and plump,
Now drained-
No longer possessing the pinkish hue of innocence.
The translucency of my skin reveals thick, purple veins
Twisted like rope…
A gaunt Dead corpse

But here. Right now, I feel beautiful…
A beautiful corpses Bride, gazed upon in wonder by her
Cold. Dead. Groom.

Alone together, This was Our place.
Only Ours, because no one knew the moment We shared.
A moment that could corrupt a lifetime of youth in just a few everlasting minutes.

Oh how those minutes lasted!
An Eternity…
An Eternity that with each passing second brought me closer to you.

But you are gone…
And I still here.
Taken with you;
Your Spirit
Our Eternity,
My Life.
Written by
Chloe Goldsmith
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