A body on the line at Basingstoke - the train to Waterloo has been delayed. You'll have to wait; the plastic bag brigade are clearing up and trying not to choke.
Commuter suicide's no news to us. We don't suspect foul play; it's by the book. But one train driver, terror in his look, takes the day off, wishing he drove a bus.
Neighbours or strangers, those who saw him leap could never know what so possessed his mind. His unwished legacy - they long may find the image of his death disturb their sleep.
The quiet desperation of a life brought by that final step over the rim to its conclusion - weep no tears for him, his torment's over. Who will tell his wife?
Suggested by a station notice that read: "Trains into and out of _Waterloo_ are subject to delay because of _a body on the line at Basingstoke_.