You were the tree and I was the leaf, You came in at night like a thief. I would be with you for an entire season. Then blowing away for some reason. Your branches growing up, my leafs falling down. You reaching for the sunlight, Me falling to the ground. Your base so solid, with strong roots, I would just get picked up, by someone's boots. I was a part of your life, for a long while. Then I would just blow, from mile to mile. Maybe in time, I will blow by again. And in my veins, you will see my grin. Until that day, stand tall my friend, This is just goodbye, not the end. On your branches, more leaves will grow. And away our memories will blow. But know you were the beginning of something great. And that this is probably just our fate. So stand tall my friend, and grow to the sun, For now our time is done.