The people in my life are the pieces of my heart; wherever I go there they are One is companionship discussion and kinship; another is my little sunshine, fighting on the happiness front line. The third is song and dance, making girls take second glances and daydream about second chances. He's charming and friendly and like number four he listens intently. So back to number four, she's good with words. When your heart hurts she knows just what to say to make the pain go away and get you to see who you ought to be. Number five makes everyone laugh but he's serious when he needs to be; if you want to talk he's free. Number six is a great woman; she's focused hardworking and constantly planning. She keeps everything going. The people in my life are the pieces of my heart. When I fall apart, they help me restart. I'm pretty sure I'd take a bullet for all of them. They all deserve it. I suppose they'd see it then, that I love them.