I used my raging rhetoric to explore him. high flown style; he told me he could read me, and how my story could never bore him. Without answers to the questions I stated but never asked- He crossed the threshold, plunging into our heaviness together vast.
My excessive use of verbal ornamentation aside... I was touched beyond words, beyond the flesh, and past the bones and organs inside. He didn't play me, but played off of and on still my notes instead, He fingered every key, playfully- black and white, day and night, dark and light and then turned to me and said-
He said nothing, I don't think-I couldn't think I couldn't hear, I couldn't hear passed the piercing ringing interrupting us from inside my ears... It's 4A.M., Now with eyes open to the blank black locally programmed T.V. Screen, That faceless man telling me about the required weekly test woke me from my sweetest dream.