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Aug 2016
The family we should love surrounds us
Hidden by labels and society’s masks
We don’t have the time to reach them.

Or maybe our hands don’t stretch far enough
Like we try to move and yet we’re confined to the same square box.

I want to scream to my brother and sisters from other fathers and mothers
But you tell me you don’t know who I am

We are all under one atmosphere
Working together for multiple purposes that can melt into one, to live

We let society's labels define us, stick us in different apartments, houses, states, nations but we are all under one atmosphere.

We all can link our shared experience
We can all learn from one another

Your label may look different,
Our ingredients might have changed over the years
We don’t need to look, sound, or act alike to know
That we are all one body, one family
One group of humans in a studio atmosphere traveling around the galaxy.
And it’s time to act like it.
Written by
Gregory Adam
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