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Feb 2012
Like the haunting sustain of a dirging Marseillaise,
Your voice rings out, sweet and sinister,
And time slows before the unrequited.
A Goddess – omnipresent & surrounded by a halo
Of blonde hair flying in drunken celebration
– Lacking in omniscience as my secret sin
Stays hidden within confession. This beating
Of xylophonic ribs must be muffled by
Fetid fat from failing flesh
Whilst your light bellows in deafening tones
– A sustaining beauty untamed by man
– Outshining nursery rhymes in this chest
And limericks in the soul.
You smile.
You listen.
I grow and pursue your Liberté
And, in the spirit of Égalité,
Form the ultimate Fraternité:
Ou la petit mort.
Nathan Bradley
Written by
Nathan Bradley
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