life is like a pair of sneakers; you have the people who'll help you when you're down, tying up your shoes, and you have the people who will endlessly step on your laces, without a single word. keep your shoes tied, knotted a thousand times and you'll be walled off from either people. some don't even like sneakers, and prefer sandals; the easy way through life, the breezy, get stepped all over life. others prefer boots; hardened, protected, and determined to not be pushed around. the beings with the heels; they're high on their pedestals, they know what they want, they're confident, even if it's just for that one day.. everyone has their own special pair of shoes; we don't stick to just one, though, do we? phases of life, feet growing, fads. and we find people with just the same shoe taste, or perhaps just the opposite.