My bones were broken when you found me- spent time trying to revert this body into something that looked good in a mirror or sounded pretty to doubtful ears.
My smile was on sideways and my chest was too small so these breaths became shallow following suit, so did I.
Someone turned me into a shell an outline a well-versed idea of what they wanted. Written in brail and felt upon my skin, everyone could read the way he changed me but the only thing I saw was silence. My subconscious warned me about it wanted love so bad I never listened. That was never what I wanted.
When my mind was numb on the idea of happiness you showed me differently.
My smile grew with you and everyone could see it but me. You saw my chest was small and helped me breath in deep- helped me expand.
The jokes I sputtered were your lighthouse and the only thing that mattered to me was finding you so I could finally come home.
You rebuilt my insides before I even knew you were capable of it- before I even knew that love was an option. Helped me send out a search party for who I used to be before love had shattered me.
You recreated me into songs and molded me into a melody something that sounded like me like the person I was before the chaos and calamity.
The soundtrack of who we have became reminds me of where we started and I dance in what it feels like and I sway with the shimmering vocals and I bask in the bass line loving what it sounds like to be with you and not so scratched CD that eventually became too shattered in bits too broken to read.
We picked up the pieces we made artwork out of it and laughed at the progress and laughed until we both lost it until we both found ourselves and built these records back together- orchestrated a love out of the imprints and my life was no longer silence.