he's stand still, teeth gritting, frozen and captivating wishing you were as outstanding the thoughts are thrilling stone cold, lining the gums numbing every thought and tooth another quarter in the phone booth, short of breath never winning he's watching every move you make making you wish you could rewrite the storyline but happy endings only happen in fairy tales another glass slipper, a promising kiss of eternity the cusp of where his cheekbone meets the tuck of his smile on the side of his face has me thinking how lines can meet and get lost, just like a poisoned Apple meets the lips of purity Adam and Eve had problems, but even children of God inhale sins and exhale reality because he is beautiful and still, but I will always be everlasting, exhausting the feeling of empathy. but I'm still trying to remember every line that combined his every ****** expression. Stuck on his side profile like its the last sunset before dawn. he's still again, he's capturing my creativity, I'm sketching his lips, I'm understanding the breaks in between his breaths and the tide, my teeth become loose, salt seeps in every crack, burying them beneath the nape of his jawline, where the thoughts of him began and ended. his jawline is sketched in my mind in my mind, in my mind