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Jul 2016
Opening my eyes
I see you
I see your face
But it's not yours
Reaching out
I feel you
The touch of your skin
So cold  so lifeless
Trying to hear your voice one last time
I don't understand
Where could you have gone
When I'm looking right at you
But is it you?
I don't recognize the person I see
But I know who you are
I remember climbing into your bed
I remember telling you my biggest dreams and fears
I remember you holding my hand
And showing me the world
I saw it all through your eyes
You showed me that anything could be what you made it
You just had to believe
Believe in the good
Always look for the light
The star that twinkles in everything
I did everything you said
I looked to the light
I made everything the way I wanted it to be
Molded my mind like clay
Made a window that faced the light
I looked through it as much as I looked up to you
Some days it never felt big enough
Some days I couldn't find the light
Some days I couldn't find you
It's like you disappeared
I shut the window and built a wall
Locking myself in
But still looking for the light
Running in circles
Looking for you
Hoping you'd show me the light
But you never did
You never came back
I see you everyday
But I can never find you
I open my eyes
Day after day
And your still not there
Did you forget
Did you lose sight
The stars are gone
I can't see the twinkle anymore
The world is not the same
As the sun sets and the darkness fills the sky
I begin to wonder if you were even real
If any of it was real
But what does it matter now
You are gone
Everything is gone
You are not who taught me to love
Taught me to look at the world as if it was a master piece
Painted and sculpted from the finest of things
I see your face
So pale and lost
I feel your skin
So cold and lifeless
I listen for your voice
But yet hear nothing
Where did you go
Why did you leave?
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