I saw in my soul's window a million paranoid, knowing eyeballs resonate apocalypse planned as total fate
Saw a million lonely, scared faces seek to vibe with one aesthetic
Knew totality, balance, show hate, kindness, in the marshes of beyond
Surrender--final threshold to the Almighty Wisdom of Creation
Knew all the petty footfalls born in all personal hells
Wandered All before & After
Found myself still & unknowing
Realized ultimate futility & saw & knew the Eye that shivers with mistrust--symptom of essential human error--done collapsing
Tried to be transceiver for total consciousness,visions, intuitions, serpents of inbetween places, all dialed into the same direct knowing posture outward, upward, sideways & nowhere
Sought to riddle my apostrophes in the dream market, in the blind bank or else Jericho my soul to stall my own progression