soft larch needles I sniff wish thin dangling larch twigs hold raindrops christ & pagan wrapped to tinsel autumn light has projected Borrowdale’s matter a work crafts growth I
peer at a twig’s knuckles a needle’s green edge a tiny globe dissolving landscape Borrowdale is a mass of details full a vastness of minuscule high resolution beauty immense
numbers of bits of leaf-frames pebbles daddylongleg claws for an instant I spread let a moment explode as I climb through woods by crags every detail of me follicle bone-cell
grease shatters or slicks amongst Borrowdale’s infinite tiny details one of my gasps stretches wetly with the beck others entwine with white fibres of gills unravelling gravity
the calcium atoms of my teeth jumble along drystone walls moss green-gleaming my meal of Herdwick meat passes through my gut whilst Borrowdale’s details digest my soul
from 'Back of A Vast', by Mark Goodwin, published by Shearsman Books