dear eggshell belly. dear mother. dear church of my father’s owl. dear Ohio. dear owl the deaf bee’s church.
[the lost]
before it is dark enough to carry the television into the forest and leave it, a mother checks the oven for her loaf of black bread. her overseas child follows a dead fly to another dead fly and so on. her sensitive brother turns over in his grave to be on all fours. her wiser husband rips the cord from the base of the television and uses it to whip the basement door. when the door opens, any dog will do.
[men hermetic]
the crow the fine print of nowhere.
the bomb shelter the rumored locale of a mother’s laundry room.
the bare cross the teething toy a baby bypasses for the neck of the woman waiting for her junk to fall.
the mare the anxious bike.
[cessation psalm]
the less said about god’s addiction to brevity
as heard by the angel of birth
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