Once upon a time there was a man who fed on other people's fears. He soaked them up, he seasoned them with myth and stirred them up for years. The stew he made was glutinous. It clung To one's intestines and it stank like dung. The gaseous mess oozed venomous stink That fuddled minds and made it hard to think.
This fog of hatred , fear and false report Made careful thought Impossible for some, But others battled on. They had begun in youth a search for clarity and truth And soldiered on through media hype and politician's babble, Ignorance and greed ( the fodder of the rabble and the man it loved; the man who spoke for it, The man who made it fine to hate). He promised all a blissful state where each would live and call his own A paradise that he could have alone For who would share it? Who could share?