It's pretty sad when u only attract pain sorrow or addictions One word about it it bring confertational confliction Their is nothing wrong with u I know that's why u chose me as a friend... deep down inside I can read people's mind souls and actions I was taught to see deep I lead only the week to a free mind and a chance to seek... I allow your soul to freely express tears run threw pain hurt or worry... I can redeem your presents Ora and blurry.. me my self I have more issues then u my heart pounds harshly when I close my eyes it's like a wiplash in a threshold going threw a black hole but it only happens when I'm sitting alone I panic for no good reason and inside out of nowhere I feel like I'm bleeding I tear up constintly and shiver like I'm freezing .. with a foot on my chest or like Jesus is kneeling my hole life was just a painful unpealing stripped down to my soul for the beginnings unwheeling