Some people have left God And reaching for the Psychic line Only two ninety nine a minute And false information you are buying. Will I get married and be happy as can be? Why call the Psychic line, Jesus gives The information free.
You refuse to fast and pray It takes up too much time So you pick up the telephone And call the psychic line I lost my wife, is my husband coming back? I need to call the psychic line to get The basic facts.
What you do not understand is What you fail to see The answer lives in Jesus who Died on Calvary Never be quick to believe, what’s on TV And never forget the man That died to set you free
The answer is not in the psychic line So erase it from your head. The answer lives in a man that God raised from the dead If you believe I speak the truth, then Get your business straight And divorce the psychic line before It’s too late.