An Island on a Brink of collapse, Leakages on our national budgetry, Cronysm and Inept speeches seizes Powerful seats. Our national oil Reserves Guzzled down by twit Politicians women Aspiring for change by Denying their Husband Conjugal Rights. Millions of unemployed youths run Amok causing a Frenzie country-wide, Anarchy spells Doom across the country. State of Internal security is a vital sign for the Failure of our current Governments. Reforms of national cohesion and a new constitution seems like a Fantasy to many Africans. Our cumbersome Judiciary procedures discourages Investors, so goes the Plea of Desolate souls in Africa.........
AFRICA'S future is bright with the right crop of new leaders!! But despite the fact of its immense and huge natural resources the continent still lags behind in terms of development and over-dependence on Foreign aid!