Little blue pills down the hatch, I follow in the footsteps of my mother. Pondering if this is what repetition feels like whether this is what consistency looks like tablets made up of milligrams I pay no attention to.
The irritation stems from my hands- it's hard to feel things when numbing the pain is all you have ever seem to do.
I mask this urgent sense of complacency with illness that doesn't exist to avoid any sense of responsibility that comes my way. Pretty sure they call this mush-faking. Just another part of an endless discourse that I would love to see myself separate from but it is etched into the lining of my genes and it seems I have been losing a lot of weight so these genes are the only that fit now. Now destined to follow suit of my parents.
They are, as I am- two people who make up what becomes of me I am scared I am too much like them both and not enough like me- because these hands reach out to substance the abuse part comes after.
When the pain starts to go away and sanity seems formidable achievable something within reach- all I have to do is find a bottle. But pills are poison don't ya know? So I move to the more socially acceptable addiction the one you can find in a 12 pack at the store or the one you can chase with your favorite beverage make it seem a little less toxic because making yourself feel better seems to be taboo. Emotional instability is the new fab and everyone seems to be following the trend.
Little white pills down the hatch so I am not mimicking the behavior of my father. To crush all the eggshells I throw out for others so their feet don't rip upon impact. My encounter is counter-intuitive and also counter productive. I try to make it less of the latter but seems these eyes know me all too well. They are red from over exposure and tired from pressure they're under- the invalidation painted upon your eyelids with heavy words and absent thoughts.
You become defensive I do the same. You can't fight fire with fire But we're both hot headed So when all the **** goes down in flames which one of us is to blame?
The arsonist fell in the love with absence, absolve and absinthe and all are ingredients to this recipe of disaster. You love me I tolerate you. That's what family means right?
I'd like to think this happiness isn't just a dream- isn't just these pills that make it seem that way. Wait till you see the other side- and everything will become a sink hole again. I destroy everything I've ever loved and watch as it delves deep into oblivion like these pills that fill my fists and these nights I've spent alone.