I should like to disappear And live among the nether regions. To sink into that white wet dust aloft and dangling above crisp evergreens. There is a hole in that dense fog that calls to me Each curve aligns, From my brow to my toes, In a perfect silhouette. Thus I find perfect solitude
I shall be enveloped by milky warm rapture And wish that each cell split and vaporize Like sediment washed away by thick waters.
Let me submerge into the salty earth And coat my skin in its colors. I will rub dirt into my eyes and **** moss in pursuit of thirst. This lone wolf has seen far too many packs And wishes to burrow herself in the forgiving Muddy crevices of the earth mother
O, stand back ye banshees and ghouls I will cascade into the overflowed river beds And muddle my hearing with the sound of tides Chanting relentlessly into my eardrums You Are Alone .