My dad is a smart man, Not smart how I am, Because he doesn’t like to write And can’t always see my theories But he can fix anything And I mean anything From a broken heart To a leaky pipe And he’s always willing to help. One time I watched him fix a funeral, With just a page of words I was wrong, he can write. He helped us remember And understand why we loved her. He fixed that day, because he cared He kept it from falling apart For no other reason than he knew he should. He didn’t get any money, And she didn’t hear his thoughts. No one even respected him that day, Except me, but I stayed quiet. Why did I stay quiet? I knew I should have spoken up, And told him I respected his words. But I didn’t, and I regret it. I probably always will. I like to think deep down he already knows, That it goes without saying By the way I watched him speaking, That he knows what I wanted to say But never had to courage to. I know he would have.