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Feb 2012
Hearing a psyche shatter used to fill me with rapturous delight
Leaving nothing but a cheerful laugh, as I sink further into the smoke
But living as a silhouette has lost it's ephemeral comfort
No longer does this shroud provide security
Keeps getting thicker and thicker, but the sense of safety doesn't seem to come back
I can feel it seeping into my mind and forcing it's own reality
What am I
Am I cunning or am I timid
Am I controlling these people or am I a slave to my flaws
Is this an exit or another artifice
Should I wait for someone to save my humanity
You may be able to part this forsaken haze with your sweet breath
But I am the only one who can expel this poison from my lungs
I will not fear my shadow any longer
It shall be behind me, where it belongs
Wariness is what I deserve from you, but that too shall blow away in the breeze
And when the smoke is finally cleared, I hope you will look to see what remains
I pray that you will like whatever I am
Rip Lazybones
Written by
Rip Lazybones  Moon, Milky Way Galaxy
(Moon, Milky Way Galaxy)   
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