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Feb 2012
Our souls will dance for all the times our bodies didn’t
Teeth leaving unfelt wounds upon the lips and tongues of mouths that will never
speak the words I am dying to say
Diction that travels in sound waves that will never pass your ears

i am bursting at the seams with trying to say i love you

i spell i l-o-v-e y-o-u wherever i go

i write down small i love yous on every paper that passes me

and every surface i come in contact to

so that maybe the message will travel those 365 miles

and you will know that i love you

because i just can’t say it

and my lips are lacerated with holding in all the times i wanted to tell you what i simply could not

my knuckles have been cracked one too many times

and small teeth marks on my tongue show the words i am not able to say

i love you it spells out distinctly on my skin

on my homework

on the backs of credit card bills and on foggy car door windows

i love you

and i can tell the entire world

but i can’t tell you
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