The bachelor costumed as a clown keeps on singing with a frown:
'A mind in captivity will never come to know how stone fades in the glow of time oh baby you'll always be mine.
Even if I have to crawl towards your smile baby I'll love you for more than a while Even if the great flood comes again baby I'll be sure to remind you then How I'm the only man whom loves you baby it's true, oh baby it's true
Should I end up homeless or singing alone in the rain, hopeless I'll think of you in a dress, address the world my love for you Oh baby, you know it to be true
Should I bump into conflict as I stand before the world confessing my addiction of you I'll take all the pain as a man baby I know I'm plain yet I feel your love will always flow through my veins baby if you hold the reins I'll pull your carriage to the ends of time