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Jul 2016
Ours was not a love at first glance kind of love, the kind that sparks electric currents in your soul when you lock eyes with someone whom you've never met from across a room, but when you enter one now I feel the surge of static as soon as we lock gazes.  

Ours was not a love that sprung like wildfire from the first time I heard the voice I've grown to cherish with such great musical quality that when it rings in my ears, I don't know how I could ever stand to not hear it's cadence.

Ours was not the kind of love that pulled me in your direction like gravity to a planet--pushed to orbit you,  hold you in my embrace, but the strings of magnetism laced their way around my heart once I found that you were no solitary satellite, but an entire universe. I freely float through your open spaces basking in the vast beauty of your endlessness.

Ours was not the love that sits patiently years by years waiting to break free of a tight knit friendship and commonplace; even though in our brief entanglement, I swear I've known you several dozen lifetimes over, and we fell into familiarity with the ease of those who could have only known each other for decades.

Our love is not the kind of love that imprinted itself from the first time your hands brushed against my skin, now as they trace the lines along my hips, wrists,  neck; I have memorized their shape and sweet softness, commiting to memory how it feels intertwined with mine, tangled in tenderness.

Our love grew in me like a blanket of fresh fallen snow during a winter storm, covering everything in my view with purity and promise.
And suddenly
It all adds up, piles of reasons, while I stare in awe at the tempest.

I could write metaphors for it until my heart stops beating, but there's no way to actually word how I fell into this.
It just IS.
And it's nothing like I've ever known love to be.
Remy Luna
Written by
Remy Luna  24/F/Middle Earth
(24/F/Middle Earth)   
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