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Feb 2012
The mist wraps around your feet
Knowing it's the time your trying to beat
Quicken your steps to save some time
Wishing the sun would come up and shine
Walking through the darkness you feel so alone
The cold just chills you straight to the bone
Pulling your coat close and tight
The urge to run you're trying to fight
The moons bright light shines through the trees
The wind picking up the cool autumn breeze
Hearing a snap you stop dead in your tracks
Moving along you think it's just bats
Walking by houses so alone and cold
Their paint chipping off because their so old
A noise startles you off to the right
The sense you feel is defiantly fright
Quickly turning you stare into the mist
Shivers leaving your skin feeling kissed
A slight rustle makes you turn
The swell of tears causing your eyes to burn
“Whose there?” you whisper into the night
Then a slim figure comes into your sight
You let out a blood curdling scream
When you see his knife shine and gleam
Frozen in fear you stay in place
As you feel your heard start to race
The mast he wears is a pearly stark white
Running away you see no one in sight
Stumbling forward you fall to the ground
Hearing his footsteps you turn around
Dark black eyes stare back at you
You're going to die, this thought you knew
Closing your eyes you feel the knife come down
Your screams turned into blood, you're stating to drown
The last thing you see before you die
Is the evil look in the masks black eye
The mist crawls and curls around you
The moons bright light leaving a slight hue
Watching him run as his feet pound the ground
While the mask on the ground spins round and round
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