Can we build a world civilization on shaky foundations? Can we ***** the palace of human prosperity on lies? The world is aching and it's pain and anguish is augumenting day after day. The cause of its tribulation is disunity, apathy and intolerance. The symptom of which are the wars that are taking lives, devastating families and shattering dreams. These small planet shall never see one day of peace and tranquility, untill we learn to accept each others as humans and love all as members of one family. Our peace and security shall never be realized unless and untill we abandon the doctrines that advocate hate. How can you promote tolerance let alone unity when people follow doctrines that ask them to them to hate? Supremacists religion sects are not preaching peace but war. It calls the faithful to wage wars against the unbelievers, **** them and subdue them untill our cult becomes the only religion in the world.