Don’t be too happy, but don’t be too sad. Say what you mean, but not if it’s bad. Be confident but not to confident or they’ll call you conceited Don’t show too much skin but don’t be too ***** Be yourself but if you’re not like me then we’ll judge you If you don’t wear anything smaller than a size 6 they’ll call you fat, If you have bad grammar they’ll consider you black, If you don’t play sports they’ll label you as whack. If your grades are bad then you’ll amount to nothing but hey keep your head up selling **** will at least make you something. Being unfaithful is the new trend while underage drinking makes you more friends.we live in a world where failures thrive while successful people run and hide. I’m sorry for being too blunt but I’m only telling the truth it’s sad to see someone judge by Society’s rules. Life as a teen has become one big test and if you don’t understand what I am saying then you’re probably the one grading the rest.