Beautiful... Painted; the word beautiful would take the form of a woman, It would be brightly coloured to resemble the she spirit. It would be gentler than a feather, So gentle it wouldn’t pop a soap bubble. I bet it would be stronger than titanium, A gentle kind of strong typical of woman. Every brush stroke would express her perfection, Her delicate figure formed with each painted line. I bet the word beautiful wears a yellow dress, She dons her brilliance both in smile and apparel. I bet she slays the devil in a red dress. When she walks her hips rhythmically sway from side to side, Her gait even and deliberate. An angelic orchestra plays when she laughs, A slight quiver in the corners of her mouth as her eyes light up in a smile. Beautiful. Her poise…an object of veneration like a rare butterfly, Spreading affection and joviality with every flap of her fairy wings. A festival of sensation; enchanting sight, mesmerizing hearing, thrilling touch, Delighting smell, Captivating taste and Spellbinding intuition. In a word BEAUTIFUL.